Thursday, December 31, 2009

Free 3-month Amazon Prime Trial

Not something we would pay for (a full year cost $79) , but sweet if you want something small at Amazon and don’t want to pad your order to $25. Features unlimited Free Two-day Shipping.
Follow the steps below. Be sure to do the last one to so it doesn’t automatically renew at the end of March. Thanks be to Slickdeals.

  1. Click here
  2. Add the book to cart using the "Add to cart with free 2-day shipping" button on the right of the page (if visible)
    1. If the button is not visible, simply add the book to cart

  3. Login to your account, and sign up for free 3-month trial of Amazon Prime when prompted
    1. If the button was not visible in (2), in cart switch to "FREE Two-Day Shipping with a free trial of Amazon Prime" shipping
    2. Sign up for trial as prompted

  4. Once sign up is completed, remove the book from your cart
  5. Click here, log in if prompted and turn off your prime membership from automatic upgrade by clicking "Do Not Upgrade" button, and confirm your selection
  6. Enjoy your free 3-month trial of Amazon Prime

SDJ# Content.

As much as i may complain about work, after working two nights at two different 24-hour stores, it seems that my store is probably the best fit. i can't guarantee it isn't simply the fact that i know what my role is and where everything is and what exactly is expected of me. i know for certain i prefer my drive to the others. i feel sorry for anyone who has to drive over 25 minutes each way for work. What a waste of offense...and not that i do anything with that extra time.

How can an NBA team lose so many games? It seems so statistically near impossible. The Nets are bad; winning just 3 out of 32 games. i feel like i could put together a team with people i know that don't play basketball and somehow win that many. Can you imagine jrife and clapy at the guard positions, greg and david at forward and artanisknarf at center with megan, martha and i coming off the bench? On second thought, we probably wouldn't win any games.

i think i forgot what i was typing.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Left 4 Dead 2

Another wonderful Christmas this year. Apparently my whining about my old desktop paid off as Megan replaced it with a new one including a pimping new monitor. Also, during my next week off i'll get to begin the beer brewing experience with my new micro-brew kit as i read "The Butler Way."
When i describe Megan's Christmas gifts, i compare it to that of a 12-year old boy's Christmas. All of her gifts were probably found on letters to Santa across the country aside from the ladies workout outfits. A new set of drums for Guitar Hero and three games. We love playing Left 4 Dead 2 for the 360. My only complaint is having to play most everything online aside from the campaign. It makes me not want to play any more after being voted off by those damn puberty-awaiting punks in my very first game. Luckily, i didn't let it get me down and found a more suitable game and was victorious.

Regretfully, i picked up two shifts this week to help out and to compensate for the two vacation days i took to start off the New Year. Why do i do that every year? Oh well, it worked out in 2009.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Driving around.

So I've already mentioned my confusion of why there are buckets lining the highways of America, now I want to point out another fun game to play on the streets of North Carolina. It's called 'Find the Most Asinine License Plate'. It's sort of like playing that board game (Mad Gab) where you have to say a random sequence of words and try to figure out what it is supposed to translate into English. i don't have the best examples here, but these are some standard dumb license plates around here.

Simple, yet stupid.

Why would you pay money to tell people you are off to work?


Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Spirit.

This is the first non-mini size Christmas tree i've had in years. There are 3 big presents under the tree for me and when i accidentally moved them around they are all heavy. i'm guessing Megan has either tired of my lack of muscle and bought me a new weight set or each gift is hidden inside a lead box she wrapped from her nuclear pharmacy.

Next visitor arrives next Saturday. i'm pretty excited to have my mom see our house. As always, wherever i live has the standard Open Invitation policy.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

iPhone Apps of the Post

Searching for iPhone Apps could pretty much keep me occupied for an entire calendar year. Initially, i'd just scour the App Store's top 25 free apps, then the top 50 for good measure. Now i spend my time using a random app-finding device called Fluke (clicking opens in iTunes). i don't know that i have actually found much useful stuff, but i keep on searching.

Nice to Have Apps

i think this is one of my favorite apps as far as functionality and ease of use. Along the bottom of the screen it allows you to switch back and forth between, sellout.woot, shirt.woot, wine.woot, and kids.woot. It allows you to scroll through the pictures on top and then pull up the description below. It does not allow you to view comments directly, but it gives you one-touch buttons to get you where you need for more info or to purchase.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Just a reminder that big signs and large numbers don't always guarantee it is a good deal.

((wal-mart prices are starting to rollback up))


Despite having to work til 8 AM and then having to be back to work at 10 PM, i had a really nice Thanksgiving thanks to the future Mrs. Phillips fixing up a small feast. Now it's December 1st and we are just about all decorated for Christmas after a few more lights outside. How does one go about buying one of those super big ladders and transporting it home? We had to borrow a neighbors to hang the top lights. Speaking of neighbors, this Friday they are having their annual Christmas party that even got a write up in the Charlotte Observer. i almost feel like a celebrity since we will be there.

i found these Thanksgiving instructions entertaining...
"15 LBS of mashed potatoes in a casserole with a serving spoon. Please do not use the over-size blue serving dish you used last year. Because you are making such a large batch you can do one of two things: put half the mash in a regulation size casserole with lid" 
Is that dish regulation size or what?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


iPhone update via blogging app? Just testing since our Internet is down again. Two more nights of work then seeing Trans-Siberian orchestra on Friday night. Then we decorate for Christmas on Sunday. Nice little weekend. Back to work for now.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Favorite Doctors

When checking prescriptions, it's nice to get a little chuckle once in awhile.
Patient name, check.
Birthday, check.
Drug, check.
Strength, check.
Directions, check.
Quantity/days supply, check.
Doctor, chec...what the what? Teresa Watts abbreviated as T. Watts. Immature, but funny. Not as good as my all-time favorite plastic surgeon:
Dr. Peter Tucker. It's nearly unbelievable, but it's true. It appears his name is false advertising. i only see procedures for women listed on the site.

Monday, November 16, 2009


My life is a series of countdowns. Every week, i am either counting down until i have to go back to work or until i get my week off. Now that college basketball has started, my countdown focus shifts a bit to when the next Butler basketball game is. Speaking of, like every season, it will be a long one. They are better than ever, but will always play at the level of their opponent and then slightly beat them.
The new big countdown will be the big little wedding day. We are looking at the end of June, but are awaiting confirmation from our chosen destination. If you are one of the select few that vaguely keeps up with my life on here, we would be more than happy if you could join us. i know what you're thinking, doesn't that fall during the mildly anticipated World Cup 2010 psuedo beer-b-q? i believe it does. However, you know the games will be at an off time of day since it's African location. The resort we want to stay at has a 24-hour lounge with all-inclusive beverages and hors d'oeuvres.

Another very important countdown is the coming of ATT to our neighborhood. They have less than 3 weeks to be up and running based on our community's contract with them. We have been cursed with some janky Internet connection since we moved in and non-HD DirectTv. It has been the only flaw of our new home. The level of anticipation for their arrival is second only to the return of our lord Jesus Christ. When he does arrive, i better see it in HD.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Human hamster wheels

For awhile now, i've been thinking about the next generation gym that is energy-efficient based on their members workouts. If one little mouse can run on a wheel and turn on a lightbulb, why can't humans use the energy they burn for something useful?
i'm sure they have attempted to harvest human energy somehow before, but now seems like the perfect time with the whole energy dependence concern and health care reform. Why not combine the two and open government-run gyms and mandate a workout schedule for everyone. Not that people could produce enough to power anything other than maybe the lights in the gym, but it's a fun thought.

Apparently there are folks ahead of me on the planning of this.
Green Microgym -actual gym attempting to do this
Recent article on some Alternative Energy Web site

(i really wanted to post a picture of the Double Dare wheel from the obstacle course but apparently it is the only thing i can't find on the Internet)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

App Addiction: 5 4 3 2 1 (Games)

*i should note, the 5 4 3 2 1 will typically be followed with an indication of how long it is worth keeping around, but not always*
5 Seconds - Two games that are almost fun for one go around are iDare and iDrunk Tank. 
In iDare, you stab a pencil in the pattern that you choose trying to avoid hitting your virtual hand. The game might be enjoyable if there were actual game modes other than free-for-all trying to get a high score. They appear to be available for $0.99, but no thanks. The highlight is when you actually stab your hand.

In iDrunk Tank, you are a drunk sitting on a barstool so naturally i thought i should do quite well. The object is to keep him from falling off by balancing him using your iPhone while also trying to grab drinks as the bartender throws them down the bar. If you can maintain interest long enough to beat 7 drinks in 56 seconds, you're a bigger lush than me. One good feature of this game was that it didn't force you to save your score like some other games do, rather it gave it as an option. 

 4 Good- The game that got me through several flight delays and has me considering paying a whopping $0.99 for the full version is called Rope 'n' Fly 2 Lite. In the lite version, you simply start off by falling out of the sky and you proceed to shoot a rope to the next building by touching the screen. To release the rope touch the screen again. Repeat and see how far you can swing in 30 seconds. It's like a lego man with the ability to shoot out webs like SpiderMan looking all Pitfall-like in his swinging.The full version has a number of game variations that sound enticing: seeing how far you can get on one rope, timed modes, distance modes. Even if i don't upgrade, i'll keep this one around for good. 

 3 times - TightWireLite recently improved the free version to include two settings and improved sound and complete falls. Still, i can't seem to enjoy it much. The 3 times you will use this include two times playing and one time to show someone else. It's a neat looking game especially now with the complete fall and sound, but i don't do well in games where you have to balance using the iPhone (accelerometer-based games).

2 Versions - It seems like some sort of unwritten requirement to have some sort of word puzzle game on your iPhone. i chose Word Scramble and then ended up with Word Scramble 2. i don't know if there is much difference if any. i like this over another version i played because you can drag your finger over the letters to form your word rather than just picking at the letters (still an option). Playing online against others is nice and all, but i am nowhere near their scores. Maybe i just need practice or learn more words, but i'm not familiar with the following: etui, inti, seton, lunet, haint, gerah. All of which scored points. So, maybe it's not the best game, but it is still addicting to play.

#1 for now - WarpDefense is a tower defense type game. Addicting as expected, you just set up different weapons around a maze and try to prevent the bad guys from making their way through. Just to make sure i still liked this game, i took a break to play and 20 minutes went by before i realized that i was in the middle of doing something else.
The weapons give a description of what they do on the side, but it takes some playing to actually know what weapons you want where and how increasing their range, power, etc works out in the end.
Apparently i lucked out and got it when it was free because now it is back up to $0.99.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Thanks for voting.

Thanks to all three or four visitors who voted 16 times and let me welcome you to the unofficial Official Spin Off to As we all know, spin offs are never as good as the original and if that holds true i apologize for the quality of what you will find here. Also, i want to apologize for the abundance of iPhone App talk you might see, it's a minor addiction.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Modern Family

Watch "Modern Family (Hulu link)." It is funny. It has the Al Bundy guy, a hilarious gay couple, funny kids, Arrested Development humor, and an unfortunate 'does so much to make you feel uncomfortable for him Michael Scott' character. "How I Met Your Mother" is the only other show i currently look forward to watching every week. Two quick scenes...

While the mom was talking about her newfound love interest...
Mom: "He's a logger"
Claire: "Like a lumberjack?"
Mom: "No, he logs data in a cholesterol study."

Another scene...
Mitchell: “Mom’s back.”
Jay: “Your Mother?”
Mitchell: “No, your mother. She’s back from the dead. Yes, my mother.”
Jay:  “My mom would be less scary.”

How about a clip...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home again.

After traveling the past few weekends, we are finally back home in Charlotte with no major travel plans in the foreseeable future.

Very enjoyable city. Megan claimed it may be her new favorite city to visit. Utilizing real public transportation systems always leaves me wondering why every city does not have a convenient rail system. Yes, the answer to my wondering is probably money.
Ironically, we got to hang out with multiple friends from Indy who happened to be in Boston at the time and not even for the wedding we were there for.

In an equal opportunity trip, we went to a Purdue football game to try to offset the higher number of Butler games attended. We couldn't have picked a better game. For the first time ever, i saw the end of the game as Purdue defeated The Ohio State.
Highlights include: Purdue win, going to Jakes twice on Friday then getting denied entrance on Saturday morning and having Megan's ID taken away and having to chase down this Royal Douche Bag to get it back.

Sick house
Now we are home and both cats are on liquid amoxicillin and one gets an eye ointment twice a day. Luckily our neighbor is a vet...although i do have him to blame for having more than one cat these days.

Friday, October 9, 2009

iPhone App of the Post

With this post, i will start by explaining a new term i plan on using: PPR or Potential Product Replacement simply referring to an app that could replace another device or product in your life.


Could have used this in college to DJ from afar or the other week when i was on the couch and forgot to turn off my music. As of right now, i've simply used it to avoid Alt-Tabbing while sitting at my computer. However, it is clearly a handy app to have. This app acts as a remote control for the iTunes on your computer or if you have Apple TV

Extremely simple to use and easy to setup. All you need is to be on the same wireless network, type in the code from your phone into iTunes and you instantly have access to change songs, adjust the volume and search your iTunes database.

Thanks to the other Sam at CVS for informing me of this one.

Categories: Useful, PPR

Thursday, October 8, 2009

pay phone finder?

Some people have mentioned bad service with the iPhone, but fortunately i have not experienced any AT&T dropped calls yet. i thought this clip was pretty funny though:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

iPhone App of the Post

i suppose there should be yet another location to find recommendations for an iPhone app that could be worth trying, so here it is. These don't have to be new, just whatever i have found and feel like sharing...more than likely they will be free of charge. App of the Post is more fitting and less demanding than claiming there will be one of the week or even month.


This application provides an easy way to share your contact info or up to four photos or contacts with another iPhone user. Sure there are other ways to send this type of information, but none provide the simple satisfaction that this program does.

Open the program, select the information, contacts or photos you wish to share and your screen will say "Ready to Bump." Now you just hold your iPhone in your hand and bump fists with another iPhone that is ready to bump and it magically transmits your information to the other phone.

Granted i haven't used this in weeks, but i still love the thought of using it and think it will likely hang around for awhile.

Categories: Useful, Entertaining

Sunday, October 4, 2009


White Wussian 1 vs. White Wussian 2
Aristocrat vodka and Kamora vs. Absolut and Kahlua.
First taste was not too convincing one way or the other per Megan or fellow neighborhood Lebowski fan Jason. However, both leaned toward the mix with the higher quality ingredients. Of note, the cheaper concoction did have a half shot extra of vodka which may have altered the taste. My conclusion: after one round, it would not matter.

2nd Cat
Somehow it appears we have a 2nd cat (Millie). i suppose it was to give Ralphie (cat 1) someone to play with. At first, Ralphie didn't seem to mind but now since the little one is only 6 weeks old and apparently the runt of the litter, Ralphie chases him around like she is a rodent. i suppose they are just playing.

Volleyball Championship
Just wanted to announce that our team (Bumpinators) ended up winning our volleyball championship again. Thanks to our first-time playing volleyball phenom Megan. Can't wait to sport our championship t-shirts.

During the next month, we are going to Boston for a wedding, Indiana for breakfast club (i suppose a Purdue football game as well), having visitors and then i may tag along when Megan has to work in Asheville. Who needs a house?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Important airport information...

While at the airport, try to refrain from being an asshole. A few observations from my recent flight returning from Indiana.

1. i love the speed at which i can move on a moving walkway, all city sidewalks should be moving walkways. Nothing can ruin the thrill faster than someone who is not moving. i know it's the oldest airport question with unintentional philosophical connotations, but it is called a "Moving Walkway." Does it only imply the walkway itself is moving or it is made for those that are moving? i find it hard to believe that the sole intention for these devices was to give lazy people a break from having to move themselves. So when it becomes a standing walkway, i get annoyed. While it does give the option to stand on the right side, if you decide to stand side-by-side and not let me pass, i will turn that strip into a battle royal and throw you over the side.

2. Exiting a plane. When the plane comes to a complete stop, unless you are about to miss the only connecting flight to your final destination, your wife is giving birth to your first child or someone is on their deathbed, do not attempt to get off before those in the previous rows have exited. Unless granted permission and directed to do so by the person in front of you, your friendly stewardess, or God himself, there is no need for disrupting the flow.

3. These same people that are in such a rush to get off the plane are the same ones standing directly on top of the baggage claim carousel. No it is not an accident when i grab my luggage and it lands on your foot. Back the ef up and everyone can proceed to claim their luggage without a struggle. Not sure if you are aware, but the luggage will in fact go all the way around and come back out, it does not get engulfed in flames if not picked up on the first pass.

i'm not sure if this is a picture of A) what happens if you don't push past the rows in front of you and rush to the baggage claim area or B) this is the back room of the baggage carousel where luggage piles up if not picked up on the first pass.

4. Respect those stuck sitting bitch. While every seat has two arm rests, not all arm rests are exclusive for just one seat (at least on the flights i can afford). That means if you are sitting in the middle of two a-holes or two extra large folks who spill on to your arm rests, you are stuck doing the elbows-t0-ribs dance (go ahead and touch your sides with your elbows, i like to complete this move by sticking my thumbs up and rocking side to side on the dance floor). A logical solution should be everyone gets their armrest furthest away from the aisle based on the fact that using the aisle armrest usually results in battered elbows and the window seat has a whole wall to lean on.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

i made a nickel today.

i love money. Despite the overwhelming belief that money cannot purchase happiness, i would argue that it can. At the very least, it definitely provides a very satisfactory unhappiness that i could live with. Whether you buy TVs, video games or just spend money on other things that you don't really need, there is most likely a better way to spend it (at least one that would benefit someone else).
Donating money to support causes other than my personal drinking habit actually does provide a good feeling. i definitely don't give enough to those in need or any noble cause, aside from my monthly donation to Aunt Sallie (bitch).
So, the other day, Megan was opening the mail and there was a letter from The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Not only did they send her free mailing label stickers, they sent her a nickel. i'm not sure how i feel about that.
In the letter, it says "please return your nickel along with your most generous gift to help save the lives of children" Hey now, Indian-giver. If you wanted your nickel, you shouldn't have sent it to us. i like how they send us a nickel, give us ownership over it by calling it 'your nickel' and ask for it back all in the same sentence. Not that we want your precious nickel, i mean the last time i used one was probably 3 years ago taking the toll road to Chicago.
So what are we supposed to do?
A) you keep the nickel and use the labels hoping God doesn't hold it against you for taking from a charity without giving.
B) send back just the nickel and a letter that says you can't be bribed (unfortunately, the stamp would end up costing you money).
C) send back a dime and tell them to keep the change.
D) just donate money to another cause you feel like supporting (including the nickel you were sent)
E) just send them some money and congratulate them on their ability to guilt you into donating

We still haven't decided on our course of action, but i did check them out at (a review site for charities) and they do have an overall 3 out of 4 rating. Sidenote: While i was at that site, they asked me for money. So i attempted to find a review for Charity Navigator. They do not have a review, but they did give reasons why.

But really, is spending 50,000 nickels cost effective?

Conclusion: That's only $2,500. If just 1 out of every 100 people are guilted into donating $20, that's $10,000 or a profit of $7,500. That leaves 49,500 people sitting there with a nickel writing a blog about how a charity made them feel shitty about their life and proving that maybe money can't buy happiness, but a lousy nickel can cause certain levels of distress. Not to mention, my whole life i have been spelling nickel with the L before the E, and now i have that to worry about.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

iPhone Pinky Problems

The day after i picked up my iPhone, i had an unexplained soreness on my left pinky finger. i spent much brainpower trying to identify the root of the pinky problem retracing my entire day in my head. It looked as if i had smashed it or something, but no such smashing had occurred. i just assumed i pinched it somehow and thought nothing more about it.

It wasn't until the next day when the same exact problem occurred on the other pinkie. Then as i was holding my iPhone, i realized the cause. Apparently, i was using some sort of death grip on the phone combined with not putting it down for the first 24-48 hours resulting in a callous-like formation. If you blur your eyes, you can see it in the pic.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Goodbye Verizon.

Several months ago, i called Verizon to see how much it would be to cancel my plan. At the time it was like $80, and i decided i would stick it out and not splurge on an iPhone until my contract was officially up.

Unfortunately, dumbass-that-i-am managed to go over in my minutes for the first time since freshman year of college. Not just by a few, but 138 minutes. Now i am stuck paying a bill just under the cancellation fee. Worthless Verizon. i guess they knew they couldn't keep me as a customer even if they forgave those minutes.

Gotta go, time to call AT&T (that's gonna cost me).

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

If there isn't, there should be...

Drinking Vision.
As i was pretentiously sipping on a glass of wine, trying to be pretentious i attempted to look through the bottom of my stemless wine glass. Then i thought, wouldn't it be good idea to have a glass or beer bottle that magnified or telescoped? Clearly my target market is the dude at the bar trying to A) magnify the view directly around him or B) get a better look across the way.
They already have bottles that tell you when they are cold, surely they'd try this.